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ERF 18th Annual Conference – Report plenary session 2: Determinants of corruption
Following up from yesterday's discussion on how to measure corruption and its consequences, the second plenary session of the ERF’s 18th Annual Conference focused today on determinants of corruption. The session, chaired by Rima Khalaf (UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia)... Read More
بول كولير عن الفساد: العمليات التنظيمية والقيم الأخلاقية
تم ترجمة هذا النص بمعرفة رماج ندا إن الثورات التي تقودها الشعوب التي أسفرت عن الربيع العربي تعد لحظة فاصلة في التاريخ الحديث للمنطقة العربية. إن الأنظمة السابقة في مصر وتونس ارتبطت بشكل وثيق بانتشار الفساد وبعدم عدالة توزيع الدخل.... Read More
Paul Collier on corruption: Regulatory processes and ethical values
The people-led movement that resulted in the Arab spring represents a watershed moment in the recent history of the Arab region. The former regimes in Egypt and Tunisia were synonymous with corruption on a grand scale and patently unfair income... Read More
ERF 18th Annual Conference – Report plenary session 1: Measurement and consequences of corruption
The ERF 18th Annual Conference kicked off today with its first plenary session, featuring an impressive-line up of speakers. They provided inspiring food for thought on the issue of measuring corruption and its consequence, framing the discussion that will be further explored... Read More
الخيال السياسي والطريق للمرحلة الانتقالية: ورشة عمل ما قبل المؤتمر لمنتتدى البحوث الاقتصادية
تم ترجمة هذا النص بمعرفة رماج ندا الخيال السياسي والطريق للمرحلة الانتقالية: ورشة عمل ما قبل المؤتمر لمنتتدى البحوث الاقتصادية لقد تغيرت منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا. إن الثورات التي يقودها الشعب في كل من تونس ومصر تعد أمثلة جيدة... Read More
Jordan and Yemen, political Islam perspective
Jordan and Yemen are two examples of transitions in the MENA region. However, their experiences differ. Speaking in the workshop at the 2012 ERF Annual Conference, Jillian Schwedler addressed the issue of moderation in their respective cases. [youtube=] “Does political inclusion... Read More
Political imagination and the road to transition: ERF pre-conference workshop
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA region) has changed. The people-driven revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt are both good examples of successful mass-movements catalysed by social inequality and political oppression. Ultimately, however, the success of these revolutions cannot be... Read More
Governance, aid and corruption in transition: Taking state capture seriously
By Daniel Kaufmann, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution Evidence suggests that over the past decade, misgovernance in the Arab world was not only acute, but also worsened over time. Yet this poor and deteriorating quality of democratic governance was largely ignored... Read More
The political economy of Arab awakening – ERF workshop
The 2012 ERF Annual Conference got off to a lively start in Cairo, Egypt, today, before it even officially opens, tomorrow. A workshop explored aspects of the Arab awakening in an attempt to understand the changes that have transformed the region in the... Read More