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Call for papers: IEA-WB Conference Gender Norms and...

“The political economy of transformation in the ERF region” is indeed a broad research theme that involves several aspects; going from the nature of representative political institutions, to that of the labor markets in the region, fiscal transparency, characteristics of... Read More

Lecture Series  Environmental Economics, IEA

“The political economy of transformation in the ERF region” is indeed a broad research theme that involves several aspects; going from the nature of representative political institutions, to that of the labor markets in the region, fiscal transparency, characteristics of... Read More


“The political economy of transformation in the ERF region” is indeed a broad research theme that involves several aspects; going from the nature of representative political institutions, to that of the labor markets in the region, fiscal transparency, characteristics of... Read More

Global Development Awards Competition 2023

“The political economy of transformation in the ERF region” is indeed a broad research theme that involves several aspects; going from the nature of representative political institutions, to that of the labor markets in the region, fiscal transparency, characteristics of... Read More

Ibrahim Elbadawi’s Gives Pearson Annual Lecture | 2023

“The political economy of transformation in the ERF region” is indeed a broad research theme that involves several aspects; going from the nature of representative political institutions, to that of the labor markets in the region, fiscal transparency, characteristics of... Read More

Full List of News

Democratization in the Arab region: The role of geopolitics and origins of political change

“The political economy of transformation in the ERF region” is indeed a broad research theme that involves several aspects; going from the nature of representative political institutions, to that of the labor markets in the region, fiscal transparency, characteristics of... Read More

The political economy of transformation in the Arab region

ERF’s workshop and policy seminar on “The political economy of transformation in the ERF region” kicked off in Tunis yesterday, October 27th. The workshop aims at discussing a number of draft papers, submitted in response to a call launched by... Read More

The political economy of transformation in the Arab region: Story of fiscal disclosure in Egypt

Almost three years after the 2010 popular uprisings, the ERF region’s double transition, political and economic, remains complex. Most importantly, political and economic transformations can interact in ways that will be more potent than in the past, and which can... Read More

Open Access Micro Data Initiative (OAMDI)

Good research is impossible without access to reliable micro data. The Economic Research Forum has always known this and consequently, has invested time, effort and money into doing something about it. ERF is now proud to announce what might be... Read More

Highlights from the ERF’s 19th Annual Conference

The Mena region has definitely changed in the aftermath of the Arab uprising. Although the ascendance of Islamist parties to power might not be to the satisfaction of some, there is no doubt that it has become a reality. The... Read More

A Glimpse Into the Crystal Ball

The ascendance of Islamist parties to power following the Arab uprisings might not be to the satisfaction of some, but there is no doubt that it has become a reality.  The question is, are they managing the economies they inherited?... Read More

Has Politics Failed the Environment?

Among the most controversial regional questions of our age are how serious is environmental degradation in the MENA countries and why? Simply put, it is because the countries of the MENA region have exhausted their share of natural resources, well... Read More

الدين والتنمية الاقتصادية

Original English post by Salma El Meligi, translated by Ramage Nada إن الربيع العربي منح مكاسب سياسية كبيرة للإسلاميين في كلٍ من مصر وتونس. فقد استفادت الأحزاب الإسلامية من كونها الأكثر تنظيماً، بجانب ما لها من سمعة في كونها بعيدة... Read More

ERF About to Launch Open Access Micro Data

ERF took the opportunity to launch one of its most important projects at the Annual Conference: its Open Access Micro Data project. It is impossible to do state of the art microeconomic research without access to data. Open data provides a low... Read More


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