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Transition lessons from China for MENA development

By Justin Lin How can developing economies escape from the trap of middle- or low-income status in which the majority has been for decades? .... read more

Freedom for women is crucial for economic progress in MENA

By Victoria Bateman The Middle East was once the cradle of civilisation: can it prosper once again? Looking back at lessons from the European Enlightenment, this column argues that if the region wants.... read more

Implications of the current low oil prices for MENA countries

By Kamiar Mohaddes and Mehdi Raissi The current low oil price environment, in part driven by the US shale oil revolution, has important macroeconomic implications for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)... read more

New HLFS Micro Data for Yemen

ERF is pleased to announce the dissemination of a New Harmonized Labor Force Survey (HLFS) for Yemen 2013-2014 . To know more about the newly disseminated data or access any of the data sets, please visit the ERF's Open Access Micro Data Initiative (OAMDI)... Read More

The forum – ERF Policy Portal

ERF announces the launch of the forum – a new policy portal to promote research-based policy analysis and commentary by leading economists. The forum - provides a platform for rich and relevant debates amongst researchers, policy makers and development practitioners on... Read More

Prospects for development with democracy in the Arab world

By Samir Makdisi What are the prospects for democracy in the Arab world? This column expresses the hope that as conflict-afflicted countries embark on their programmes ... read more

An agenda for reducing income inequality in the Arab countries

By Khalid Abu-Ismail What can be done to reduce income inequality in Arab countries? This column explores issues of measurement as well as potential policy measures... read more

Why the West got rich and the Middle East did not

By Jared Rubin Today’s rulers of the three largest Middle Eastern economies all look to religious authorities as a key source of legitimacy. Drawing on a broad sweep of historical analysis... read more


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