Stakeholder Consultation and Brainstorming Workshop on Social Protection in Jordan
FromDec 17, 2020 To Dec 17, 2020
Online Webinar
What is social protection and what does it seek to achieve? Jordan’s vision for social protection is that “All Jordanians enjoy a dignified living, decent work opportunities and empowering social services.” Contributory and non-contributory pensions, cash transfers, unemployment insurance, provisions for maternity and other leaves, minimum wages, livelihood support, health care, and subsidies for energy or food are all part of the landscape of social protection. The design and coverage of such programs is a critical question for the government and civil society, as it impacts the wellbeing and vulnerability of families and individuals. The importance of a strong social protection system has been underlined by the recent COVID-19 challenges. Research can support understanding and improving social protection – but only if it asks the right questions.
The goal of this workshop is to understand from civil society and experts in social protection what the pressing questions, debates, and issues are in social protection for Jordan. This workshop is the first activity of a project which aims to produce policy relevant research for Jordan to support action on pressing social protection issues. The project is led by a team from the Economic Research Forum, a regional network dedicated to promoting high quality economic research to contribute to sustainable development. The work is fully funded by The Ford Foundation. Early papers in the project will provide an overview of the social protection system and later papers tackle specific issues, such as expanding social insurance to informal workers. All papers will produce accompanying policy briefs.
Workshop Objectives
The purpose of the consultation and brainstorming workshop is to hear from civil society organizations and experts on social protection issues in Jordan, in order to inform the scope and focus of the analytic work. The specific objectives of the workshop are to:
1. To reflect on the scope of social protection in Jordan for both the Jordanian national and Syrian refugee populations and the current key challenges for leaving no one behind in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
2. To discuss and agree on the priorities to be addressed and which this project can focus on.
The workshop will convene for two hours, which includes three sessions that will provide ample time for civil society organizations and experts to discuss key issues. The format of the consultation will be open discussion with a moderator who will introduce the topic and manage the discussion.
Download English Agenda
December 17, 2020
From 5:00 pm To 7:00 pm

Research Fellows
Ragui Assaad
Professor and Freeman Chair for International Economic...

Policy Affiliates
Mary Kawar
Former Minister for Planning, Jordan

Ahmad Awad
General Director, Phenix Center for Economic and...