Report Launch: Unlocking Sustainable Private Sector Growth in the Middle East and North Africa – Evidence from the Enterprise Survey
FromJun 09, 2022 To Jun 09, 2022
Online Webinar
ERF is organizing a webinar in cooperation with the European Investment Bank (EIB), the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) on the launch of the report on “Unlocking sustainable growth in the MENA private sector: Evidence from the Enterprise Survey”. More than a decade after the Arab Spring, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region finds itself facing momentous challenges. Waves of the COVID-19 pandemic are disrupting economies, touching every aspect of life. More recently, the Russian invasion of Ukraine sent shockwaves to the MENA region in the form of higher hydrocarbon prices, risks to food security, and lower tourist arrivals. Beyond lies the looming threat of climate change. But challenging times provide opportunities for positive change. There is a chance for the MENA private sector to seize this moment. It remains the hope for many young people for their future and, while its role as the engine of growth has yet to be realized, the private sector has the potential to drive a greener region with a sustainable model of growth.
This report sheds light on the state of the MENA private sector through surveys of over 5,800 formal businesses across six MENA economies – Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, and West Bank and Gaza. These Enterprise Surveys are of great value for a region that is significantly short on data. Nine research papers have been produced from analysis of the data, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and capturing different aspects of the private sector. This report is a cohesive analytical work based on the findings of these scholarly studies.
The European Investment Bank (EIB), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the World Bank and the Economic Research Forum (ERF) are pleased to share the findings from this latest report, followed by an engaging conversation with a panel of experts.
Read the Full report, (to be launched on June 9, 2022 at 3:pm Cairo Local Time)
Online Webinar
From 3:00 pm To 4:00 pm

Ferid Belhaj
Vice President for Middle East and North...

Lionel Rapaille
Director, Lending operations in the EU Neighbouring...

Sergei Guriev
Professor Scientific Director of the Master and...

Barbara Marchitto
Head of Country and Financial Sector Analysis,...

Research Fellows
Ibrahim Elbadawi
Managing Director, Economic Research Forum

Roberta V. Gatti
Chief Economist, Middle East and North Africa,...

Debora Revoltella
Director, Economics Department, European Investment Bank (EIB)

Alexander Plekhanov
Director, Transition Impact and Global Economics, European...

Heike Harmgart
Managing Director, Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEMED)...