Embarking on a Path of Renewal: A Joint ERF/FDL Report by the Commission on Stabilization and Growth in the Middle East and North Africa
FromOct 17, 2022 To Oct 17, 2022
Hybrid Event
Post-Covid-19, the challenge of adjusting to high fuel and food prices, and to rising global interest rates, is particularly hard for the oil importing countries of the MENA region. Public debts are rising fast towards unsustainable levels. Already, currency devaluation and inflation are combining to lower economic growth, increase poverty, and put more stress on a battered middle-class, leading to a rise of social unrest.
The Commission on Stabilization and Growth focuses on the following questions: How risky is the current development path in MENA, and especially in highly indebted Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Sudan, and Tunisia? How to avoid financial crises and neutralize the threat of falling into a vicious cycle of economic, social, and political decline? To initiate and begin to sustain a higher, more inclusive, and more sustainable growth path, what are the main challenges relating to: Stabilization measures and debt workouts; innovative economic, social, and climate-related reforms; and political reform and government accountability. How can the regional and global communities best help? To discuss these questions and more, please join us for an expert panel on macroeconomic risk in the MENA region.
October 17, 2022
Hybrid event
From 4:30 pm To 6:00 pm

Paul Salem
President and CEO, Middle East Institute

Research Fellows
Ibrahim Elbadawi
Managing Director, Economic Research Forum

Research Fellows
Ishac Diwan
Director of Research, Finance for Development Lab,...

Roberta V. Gatti
Chief Economist, Middle East and North Africa,...

Jihad Azour
Director of the Middle East and Central...

Senior Associates
Mustapha Nabli
North Africa Bureau of Economic Studies (NABES)

Policy Affiliates
Hanan Morsy
Director of Macroeconomic Policy, Forecasting and Research,...

Masood Ahmed
President, Center for Global Development