Improving Rigorous Evidence for Better Civic Engagement on Social Protection

The research program explores the current landscape of social protection in the region and considers how the government and civil society can collaborate to build a new social contract with robust social protection for all. In line with national constitutions and international agreements, social protection is a human right and a right of citizenship, where every citizen has entitlements to certain protections to maintain a decent and dignified existence. Accordingly, we adopt a rights-based approach to social protection in this project, but investigate key questions of how to achieve those rights through different policy and programmatic approaches. and efforts to provide social protection for their citizens (and others living in their territories) and where there is relatively more openness to discuss innovative approaches to the topic.

ERF acknowledges the generous financial contribution of the Ford Foundation (FF).

Improving Rigorous Evidence for Better Civic Engagement on Social Protection and Supporting the Network’s Institutional Strengthening

The project explores the current landscape of social protection in the region and considers how the government and... Read More

June 15,2020