Research Fellows

ERF Fellows are highly qualified economists, holding PhDs in economics or related fields and having published at least two articles in refereed journals. Research Fellows are the only affiliates with voting rights. Fellows are nominated by peers, screened by ERF’s Advisory Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees . They are selected on the basis of a criteria proposed by the advisory committee and approved by the Board of Trustees.

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Jamel Saadaoui
Research Fellows

Jamel Saadaoui

Full Professor of Economics, University Paris 8

Ibtisam H. Al Abri
Research Fellows

Ibtisam H. Al Abri

Associate Professor, Department of Natural Resource Economics,...

Gamze Ozturk Danisman
Research Fellows

Gamze Ozturk Danisman

Associate Professor of Finance, Istanbul Bilgi University

Mourad Kertous
Research Fellows

Mourad Kertous

Associate Professor of Economics, University of Western...

Inci Gumus
Research Fellows

Inci Gumus

Associate Professor of Economics, Sabanci University

Mohamed Bakoush
Research Fellows

Mohamed Bakoush

Assistant Professor of Financial Economics, Southampton Business...

Abdelrahman Alfar
Research Fellows

Abdelrahman Alfar

Principal Economist, NHS England

Hajer Zarrouk
Research Fellows

Hajer Zarrouk

Associate Professor, Business Department, Higher College of...

Myra Yazbeck
Research Fellows

Myra Yazbeck

Associate Professor, University of Ottawa