Inspired by the recent developments in the Arab region, the third plenary session of the ERF 17th Annual Conference explored the drivers and dynamics of political and economic transformation, with a special focus on the ERF region. The session was moderated by Susanne Szabo, Director, Social and Economic Policy, at the Canadian International Development Research Center.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="ERF 17th Annual Conference - Panel Plenary Session 3"]
The speakers addressed such questions as to what extent does the recent regional furor invalidate the authoritarian bargain model, in which people are assured certain economic gains in return for accepting limited political freedom? Is there a tipping point at which this bargain breaks down? And, in light of these changes, what can the rest of the region expect,going forward?
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Mustapha Nabli speaking in the Third Plenary Session at the ERF 17th Annual Conferene"]
Mustapha Nabli, Governor of the Central Bank of Tunisia, was the first speaker taking the floor. In his talk, he provided his own perspective on how the situation has developed in Tunisia and Egypt until leading to the revolutions and regime changes, and what's the way forward in terms of economic and political development.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Ishac Diwan speaking in the Third Plenary Session at the ERF 17th Annual Conferene"]
From his side, Ishac Diwan, World Bank, looked at the role of economics in this transition phase, and what economists can contribute to re-shape the political and economic space.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption=" Tarek Youssef speaking in the Third Plenary Session at the ERF 17th Annual Conferene"]
Lastly, Tarek Youssef, Dean of the Dubai School of Government, gave a very inspiring talk, reflecting on what has been leading towhat he defined "the most important period for the modern Middle East."
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