Call for Papers on “Governance for structural transformation”

The African Economic Conference 2017 is jointly organized by the Economic Commission for Africa, the African Development Bank and the United Nations Development Programme, and will take place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 4 to 6 December, 2017. The eleventh edition of the African Economic Conference series will offer a unique opportunity for researchers, policymakers and development practitioners from Africa, and around the world, to reflect back on the progress made by African countries in structurally transforming their economies, and debate on Government policies, institutions and mechanisms that can help unlock the transformative potential of African economies and henceforth contribute to building resilient societies on the continent. The organizing institutions will also take the opportunity to showcase their work towards building good governance for structural transformation in Africa.   The conference will comprise a number of plenary sessions as well as break-out sessions that will feature presentations and discussions by prominent academics, policy makers, business actors, civil society, opinion leaders and representatives from development organizations. The breakout sessions will allow for a more in-depth and technical analyses of salient issues related to the thematic focus of the Conference.   Deadline for submissions: August 15, 2017   For more information about the conference, please visit the following link:
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