Become an ERF Affiliate

ERF Affiliation

The ERF offers four categories of affiliation: Research Fellows, Research Associates, Senior Associates and Senior Affiliates. Each category of affiliation is associated with different acceptance criteria as well as rights and responsibilities. Starting April 2017, a new affiliation criteria is applied. Details are listed below.

ERF Affiliation Categories

A. Research Fellows

Research Fellows are ERF’s core constituency of researchers. They are highly qualified economists from the region who are engaged in front-line research in their areas of specialization, with published output in refereed journals and books. Research Fellows play an important role in ongoing ERF activities such as electing the Board of Trustees, nominating new Fellows, developing and leading ERF research programs, refereeing papers, organizing meetings, and contributing to publications. Fellows are nominated by peers, screened by ERF’s Advisory Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees.

1. Research Fellow Selection

1.1.  Eligibility for consideration requires that:

  • The candidate should originally be from the ERF region where ambiguities arise advisory board members make the final judgement.
  • The candidate should be nominated by at least two existing ERF Research Fellows.
  • The candidate must have a PhD or an equivalent degree.
  • The candidate should be a researcher in economics or closely related fields.
  • The candidate should provide evidence of continued research activity.
  • The candidate must submit a letter of intent accompanied by a full CV including list of publications and research activities.
  • Active participation in ERF activities is desired.
  • The candidate must have at least:
    • Two journal articles
      • Rated 2, 3, or 4 (where 4 is the highest) using the most recent Association of Business Schools (ABS) Academic Journal Guide (AJG), in the following categories: “Economics, Econometrics and Statistics”, “Finance” or other relevant specialisation; or
      • Rated 1, 2, or 3 (where 1 is the highest) in the most recent Catégorisation des revues en Économie et en Gestion, in the following category: “Revues généralistes en économie et en gestion”; or placed among the top 250 journals in RePec’s Simple Impact Factor as found in the link below: (, or  
      • Published in the ERF Middle East Development Journal; or
    • Two publications
      • With at least 10 citations each (i10-index of 2 in Google Scholar)


1.2. Renewal of Research Fellowship (after a five-year period) requires that:

  • The candidate should provide evidence of continued research activity.
  • Active participation in ERF activities is desired.
  • The candidate should contribute to the visibility of ERF such as through registering on RePEc or SSRN.
  • The candidate must have at least:
    • Four journal articles, with at least two of these articles published since becoming a Research Fellow,
      • Rated 2, 3, or 4 (where 4 is the highest) using the most recent Association of Business Schools (ABS) Academic Journal Guide (AJG) , in the following categories: “Economics, Econometrics and Statistics”, “Finance”, or other relevant specialisation; or
      • Rated 1, 2, or 3 (where 1 is the highest) in the most recent Catégorisation des revues en Économie et en Gestion , in the following category: “Revues généralistes en économie et en gestion”; or placed among the top 250 journals in RePec’s Simple Impact Factor as found in the link below: (, or
      • Published in the ERF Middle East Development Journal; or
    • Four publications
      • With at least two of these papers published since becoming a Research Fellow, with at least 10 citations each (i10-index of 4 in Google Scholar).
  • The Candidate must also have submitted at least two manuscripts to journals that rank at least 2 under ABS, or at most 3 under Catégorisation des revues en Économie et en Gestion, or placed among the top 250 journals in RePec’s Simple Impact Factor as found in the link below: (


1.3. Second Renewal of Research Fellowship (ten years after joining as an RF) to a lifetime Research Fellow requires that:

  • The candidate should provide evidence of continued research activity.
  • The candidate should contribute to the visibility of ERF such as through registering on RePEc or SSRN.
  • The candidate needs to provide two letters of recommendations from other ERF Research Fellows, in support of their contribution to the ERF community;
  • Involvement and engagement with the ERF, including:
    • Submitting proposals to conferences, workshops and in response to projects;
    • Submitting papers to the ERF Working Papers Series;
    • Submitting papers to the Middle East Development Journal
    • Submitting to journals that rank at least 2 under ABS, or at most 3 under Catégorisation des revues en Économie et en Gestion, or placed among the top 250 journals in RePec’s Simple Impact Factor as found in the link below: (
    • Discussing papers at workshops and conferences;
    • Refereeing papers for projects, conferences, and workshops;
    • Publishing in the ERF Middle East Development Journal;
    • Refereeing for ERF Middle East Development Journal is desired


B. Research Associates

This category of researchers is designed to attract relatively young scholars in the region. Research Associates are promising scholars who are likely to benefit from and contribute to ERF activities. They have a PhD in economics or related field, and are engaged in research.

2. Research Associate Selection

2.1. Eligibility for consideration requires that:

  • The candidate should generally be from the ERF as described under 1.1.
  • The candidate should be nominated by at least two existing ERF Research Fellows.
  • The candidate must have a PhD or an equivalent degree.
  • The candidate should be a promising researcher in economics or closely related fields.
  • The candidate must submit a letter of intent accompanied by a full CV including list of publications and research activities.
  • The candidate should have completed no more than 10 years after obtaining their PhD at the time of appointment.
  • Active participation in ERF activities is desired.

Research Associates who were approved for a five year term have the right to request an upgrade to Research Fellowship directly without new nomination after two years of their appointment as RA. The Advisory Committee will review their request and will apply the same criteria for Research Fellowship, and provide its recommendations to the Board of Trustees for final approval.


2.2 Renewal of Research Associateship (after a five-year period) requires that:

  • The candidate should provide evidence of research activity.
  • Active participation in ERF activities is desired.
  • The candidate should contribute to the visibility of ERF such as through registering on RePEc or SSRN.
  • The candidate must have at least:
    • One journal article published since becoming a Research Associate
      • Rated 2, 3, or 4 (where 4 is the highest) using the most recent Association of Business Schools (ABS) Academic Journal Guide (AJG) , in the following categories: “Economics, Econometrics and Statistics”, “Finance” or relevant area of specialisation, or
      • Rated 1, 2, or 3 (where 1 is the highest) in the most recent Catégorisation des revues en Économie et en Gestion, in the following category: “Revues généralistes en économie et en gestion”, or placed among the top 250 journals in RePec’s Simple Impact Factor as found in the link below: (, or
      • Published in the ERF Middle East Development Journal; or
    • One publication
      • With at least 10 citations each (i10-index of 1 in Google Scholar)


2.3 Second Renewal of Research Associate (ten years after joining as an RA) to become a Research Fellow requires that:

  • The candidate should provide evidence of continued research activity.
  • The candidate should contribute to the visibility of ERF such as through registering on RePEc or SSRN
  • Involvement and engagement with the ERF, including:
    • Submitting proposals to conferences, workshops and in response to projects;
    • Submitting papers to the ERF Working Papers Series;
    • Submitting papers to the Middle East Development Journal;
    • Participation in ERF activities.
  • The candidate must have at least:
    • Two journal articles
      • Rated 2, 3, or 4 (where 4 is the highest) using the most recent Association of Business Schools (ABS) Academic Journal Guide (AJG) , in the following categories: “Economics, Econometrics and Statistics”, “Finance” or relevant area of specialisation; or
      • Rated 1, 2, or 3 (where 1 is the highest) in the most recent Catégorisation des revues en Économie et en Gestion, in the following category: “Revues généralistes en économie et en gestion”; or placed among the top 250 journals in RePec’s Simple Impact Factor as found in the link below: (, or
      • Published in the ERF Middle East Development Journal; or
    • Two publications
      • With at least 10 citations each (i10-index of 2 in Google Scholar)


C. Senior Associates

This category of affiliation was developed in response to the need for building bridges between research outcomes and policymaking in the region. Senior Associates are accomplished professionals from the region whose past research credentials and present position of influence provide an essential channel of communication with the policymaking community. Senior Associates are approved by the Board of Trustees. They are non-voting members of the ERF constituency.

D. Policy Affiliates

The Policy Affiliate category is intended for economists who no longer engage in academic research but are active in conducting policy work, advising policymakers and building research capacity through teaching. Policy Affiliates are nominated by the Advisory Committee and appointed by the Board of Trustees. Membership in this category is not open for application.

ERF affiliation offers

  • Access to research opportunities
  • Networking opportunities with highly esteemed scholars
  • Publishing opportunities
  • Peer review of research
  • Access to international organizations and networks and economic development practitioners
  • ERF publications
  • Invitation to ERF Annual Conference and other ERF events

For more information, please contact:

Ramage Nada
Programs Manager

Version: December, 2022
