Yousef Hamad Al-Ebraheem
Former Minister of Finance, Kuwait
Yousef H. Al-Ebraheem is a Kuwaiti national who has a distinguished career in academia and public service . Al Ebraheem held several ministerial posts. He has served as minister of finance, minister of planning & minister of state for administrative development affairs. Prior to that he was the minister of education & higher education. Al Ebraheem has served as the Dean of school of business at Kuwait University prior to that he held the post of Cultural Counselor/Director at the Cultural Division of the Embassy of the State of Kuwait in Washington, DC. He is a board member of Investcorp. He was the chairman and member of the board of directors of the Gulf Investment Corporation . In addition he has served as vice chairman of Al Mal Investment Company. Al Ebraheem is member of the board of Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences ( KFAS ) . He is also a member of the board of trustees, the executive committee and the chairman of the audit committee of the Arab Open University ,and member of the board of trustees at the Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization (KIMS). As well as a member of the board of advisers of Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University USA. Al Ebraheem is a member of the board of several nongovernmental organizations such as American Kuwaiti Alliance and INJAZ - Kuwait in association with the International Junior Achievement Worldwide. Currently, Al Ebraheem serves as the economic advisor at the Amiri Diwan in the capacity of a minister . He is married and has three children. Al Ebraheem has a Ph.D. in Economics from Claremont Graduate University . He has authored a number of publications, reports, research papers and books .
Areas of Interest:
- International Economics
- Managerial Economics
- Ph.D., Economics, Claremont Graduate School, USA, 1984
- M.A., Economics, Claremont Graduate School, USA, 1982
- Economic Advisor at the Amiri Diwan in the capacity of Minister, Kuwait, Nov. 2003 - present
- Minister of Finance, Minister of Planning and Minister of State for Administrative Development Affairs, Kuwait, Feb.2001-Jan. 2003
- Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education, Kuwait, Jul. 1999-Feb. 2001
Latest Publications:
- Al-Ebraheem, Y.; Sirageldin,I.; 2002. “Budget Deficit, Renewable Resource Gap, and Human Resource Development in Oil Economies”, in I. Sirageldin (eds.) Human Capital: Population Economics in the Middle East. PP. 96-113. London, UK: I.B. Tauris.
- Shebeb, B; Al-Ebraheem, Y. 2002 “Endogenous Growth and the Opennesss of Economy to Trade” Journal of King Abdulaziz: Economics and Administration. Vol.16. No.1- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Khorshid, M.; Al-Ebraheem, Y. 2001 “Estimation of Medium-Term effects of the Economic Reform Program” Journal of Economic Research No. 23, year 9 (in Arabic)
GCC Economies in an Era of Energy Transition – Third ERF GCC Conference
Areas of Interest: International Economics Managerial Economics Education: Ph.D., Economics, Claremont Graduate School, USA, 1984 M.A., Economics, Claremont... Read More
Oct 30, 2023
Revisiting Macroeconomic Management in Times of Crisis and Beyond
Areas of Interest: International Economics Managerial Economics Education: Ph.D., Economics, Claremont Graduate School, USA, 1984 M.A., Economics, Claremont... Read More
Mar 26, 2022
The GCC Economies in the Wake of COVID19: Charting the Road to Recovery and Resilience
Areas of Interest: International Economics Managerial Economics Education: Ph.D., Economics, Claremont Graduate School, USA, 1984 M.A., Economics, Claremont... Read More
Mar 09, 2021