Yosra Assaker

Yosra Assaker

Senior Energy Specialist, World Bank

Ms. Assaker is a seasoned energy engineer with 20+ years of experience in the energy secto. She is a senior energy specialist at the World Bank working on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, her current main focus is energy transition and decarbonization. She led World Bank engagements including on Green Hydrogen, oil and gas decarbonization, methane abatement, CCS, along with regional energy integration. Ms. Assaker has a special interest in promoting diversity and inclusion in energy, she is co-leading the World Bank team for the Regional Network in Energy for Women (RENEW MENA). Before joining the World Bank, Ms. Assaker worked on Egypt energy sector reforms, transformational policy setting, regional cooperation, and development projects in cooperation with multilateral development banks. She led mega energy projects and worked as the team leader under the Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum and mineral resources for the establishment of the East Mediterranean Gas Forum (EMGF).

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ERF Policy Brief