Tarik Yousef
Senior Fellow and Director, Middle East Council on Global Affairs
Tarik M. Yousef is Senior Fellow and Director of the Middle East Council on Global Affairs. His career has spanned the academic and think-tank world as a faculty member in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington; a Senior Fellow in the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School; and Senior Fellow and Director of the Brookings Doha Center. His involvement with public policy includes working in the Middle East Department at the International Monetary Fund; the Middle East and North Africa region of the World Bank; and the UN Millennium Project. He has a PhD in economics from Harvard University. His research has focused on the economic development and political economy of policy reform in the Middle East. He has contributed more than 75 articles, chapters, and reports, and co-edited several volumes including most recently “Public Sector Reform in the Middle East and North Africa: Lessons of Experience for a Region in Transition” (Brookings Institution Press, 2020) and “The Gulf Cooperation Council at Forty: Risk and Opportunity in a Changing World.” (Rowman & Littlefield, 2022).
Areas of Interest:
- Political Economy of Policy Reform
- Public Policy and Economic Development
- Post-Conflict Stabilization and Reconstruction
- Ph.D., Economics, Harvard University, USA, 1997
- B.Sc., Mathematics, University of Oregon, 1989
- B.Sc., Economics, Summa Cum Laude, 1989
- Senior Fellow, Global Economy & Development, and Director, Brookings Doha Center - 2006 - Present
- Member, Board of Directors, Arab Banking Corporation - 2015-present
- Member, Board of Directors, Central Bank of Libya - 2011-present
- Chief Executive Officer, Silatech, 2011-2015
- Founding Dean, Dubai School of Government, 2007-2011
- Al-Sabah Chair in Arab Studies and Associate Professor of Economics, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, 1998-2008
- Visiting Senior Economist, Middle East and North Africa Region, World Bank, 2002-2004
- Economist, International Monetary Fund, 1996-1998
Latest Publications:
- The Gulf Cooperation Council in Transition: Geopolitics, Geoeconomics and State-Society Relations. Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 2021. Co-editor.
- Public Sector Reform in the Middle East and North Africa: The Lessons of Experience for a Region in Transition. Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 2020. Co-editor.
- The Belt and Road Initiative: Towards Greater Cooperation between China and the Middle East. Brookings Doha Center and Shanghai Academy for Social Sciences, 2018. Co-editor
- Generation Awakening: Middle East Youth on the Eve of the Arab Spring. London: Oxford University Press, 2016. Co-editor.
- After the Spring: Economic Transition in the Arab World. London: Oxford University Press, 2012. Contributor.
- Generation in Waiting: The Unfulfilled Promise of Young People in the Middle East. Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 2009. Co-editor.
Egypt’s Growth Performance Under Economic Liberalism: A Reassessment with New GDP Estimates, 1885-1945
Areas of Interest: Political Economy of Policy Reform Public Policy and Economic Development Post-Conflict Stabilization and Reconstruction Education:... Read More
April, 2002
Working PapersDemography, Capital Dependency and Growth in MENA
Areas of Interest: Political Economy of Policy Reform Public Policy and Economic Development Post-Conflict Stabilization and Reconstruction Education:... Read More
January, 1998
Working PapersERF 30th Annual Conference: Tragedies of Regional Conflicts and Promises of Peacebuilding
Areas of Interest: Political Economy of Policy Reform Public Policy and Economic Development Post-Conflict Stabilization and Reconstruction Education:... Read More
Apr 21, 2024
Dialogues on the Future of Work in the Global South: Building narratives from the Middle East and North Africa
Areas of Interest: Political Economy of Policy Reform Public Policy and Economic Development Post-Conflict Stabilization and Reconstruction Education:... Read More
Jul 26, 2021