Samir Djelti

Samir Djelti

Full Professor of Economic Geography, Mustapha Stambouli University

Samir Djelti is a Professor of Economics at Mustapha Stambouli University-Algeria and associate researcher at the Applied Centre of Development in Algiers (CREAD). He holds a Master degree in Economics of Migration (causes and consequences) and a PhD in Migration and Development from Algeria. He has developed the osmosis theory of human migration. In addition, he has participated in more than thirty national and international conferences and published about twenty papers in the field of Migration Studies. He has been a member in five migration research projects (Doctors’ migration, migration and tourism, labour migration, and migration and public health). He has also acted as a migration expert for the United Nations University UNU-GCM, the International Organisation of Migration IOM-Algiers, the International Centre for Migration Policy Development ICMPD, and Médecins du Monde MdM. His current fields of interest cover migration methodology, the osmosis theory, the colonial migration, migrants’ trajectories and settlement, migration and cities, and migration and access to health services.

Areas of Interest:
  • Migration studies
  • International economics
  • Economics of geography
  • Full Professor of Economics, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Algeria, July 2022
  • Habilitation to Manage Research (HDR), Djillali Liabes University, Sidi Belabbes, January 2017
  • Ph.D., World’s Economics “International Migration and Development in Algeria” Aboubakr Belkayed University, Tlemcen, Algeria, April 2015
  • Head of the new research project “The retention of foreign students: a step in the talents race” CREAD-Algeirs, 2024-2026
  • Researcher in the PNR research project “ Illegal sub-Saharan migration in Algeria, access to primary and preventive health services, a health public challenge” 2022-2025
  • Associate Research Director CREAD Algiers, 2020 - 2024
Latest Publications:
  • Transnational Migrant Entrepreneurship Policies in the Maghreb Countries: Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco, S Djelti, R Zapata-Barrero, Migrations in the Mediterranean 403, 2024
  • Quarterly on Refugee Problems-AWR Bulletin (QRP), Y Musette, H Lahmeri Quarterly on Refugee Problems-AWR Bulletin 62 (4), 398-414, 2023
  • Les trajectoires des travailleurs étrangers en Algérie: projet, expérience et perspectives migratoires, MS Musette, S Djelti, H Labdelaoui, I Smail, M Maamar, F Lahouel, مجلة" أفكار وآفاق". جامعة الجزائر 2 أبو القاسم سعد الله, 2023
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