Sameh Hallaq
Assistant Professor, Al-Quds University
Sameh Hallaq is an assistant professor in the economics program at Al-Quds Bard College, Al-Quds University. He serves as an assistant vice president of finance and administration there. Dr. Hallaq is a Research Associate at Levy Economics Institute at Bard College, New York (USA). He has obtained his Ph.D. in economics at the University of Wuppertal, Germany, in 2019 with an overall evaluation” Excellent: Summa cum Laude.” He has published in the Journal of Population Economics and International Journal of Development and Conflict. Adding to several working papers in Levy Economics Institute at Bard College working papers series. Besides his research, he teaches different courses to Economics students in the fields of Micro- and Macro-economics, Labor Economics, Public Finance, and the field of Financial Accounting. In parallel to his academic experience, he has a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and International Certificate in Accounting.