Rami Mehdawi
inister Deputy Assistant for International Cooperation and Fundraising, Ministry of Labour, Palestine
Mr. Rami Mehdawi works as Assistant Deputy Minister for Fund's Affairs and International Cooperation at the Palestinian Ministry of Labor in Ramallah. He is also the Official Spokesperson for the Ministry. He is the former Director General of Employment in the same Ministry he was Director General of Media and Public Relation in the Ministry of Finance before. He had worked for nine years in the sector of non-governmental organizations with different local organizations such as Panorama. In 2011, Rami established a local NGO and called it Bridges of Democracy which has begun its activities in the field of democracy and good governance in order to foster the role of these concepts in the Palestinian context. Rami is also a Palestinian social activist who has devoted his academic background and professional career to the study of democracy and human rights and the promotion of the practice of these concepts in the Palestinian context.