Nesreen Barakat
CEO, Jordan Strategy Forum
Mrs. Barakat is the Chief Executive Officer of the Jordan Strategy Forum. She holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Durham University in the United Kingdom and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Information Technology from the University of Jordan. She received multiple training courses from Harvard University and UC Berkeley in enhancing competitiveness, strategic planning, and future scenario development. In 2014, she was recognized in Forbes' "200 Most Powerful Arab Women". With over 25 years of experience collaborating with the public and private sectors, international organizations, and civil society in economic and social development fields, Mrs. Barakat founded "To-Excel Consulting" firm in 2006 to deliver evidence-based solutions in strategic planning, socio-economic development, recovery, and monitoring and evaluation. She previously served as the Minister of Social Development, the Minister of Public Sector Development, and the Director of the National Aid Fund. She led the Institutional Strengthening and Policy Support Component of the EU SME Support Program "EJADA". Earlier, she led Jordan’s National Competitiveness Team at the Ministry of Planning. Recently, Mrs. Barakat is a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Jordan, a member of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Jordan, Chairwoman of the Businesswomen Committee at the Amman Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Board of Directors of the Development and Employment Fund, and a trustee of the Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II Award for Voluntary Work. She also serves as a member of the Economic Advisors task force to the Jordan National Committee for Women's Affairs (JNCW).