Nathalie Hilmi
Specialist in Macroeconomics and International Finance
Dr. Nathalie Hilmi is a specialist in Macroeconomics and International Finance. After doing research and giving lectures at the CEMAFI (Centre d’études en Macroeconomie et Finance Internationale), University of Nice-France, she obtained her PhD thesis entitled «The real dimension of the global and regional integrations process: the case of Turkey » with honours in 2000. She successfully passed her post-doctoral diploma (HDR) after a research work about multidisciplinarity and sustainable development. She then joined Allergan, a pharmaceutical American group, as a financial analyst and continued giving lectures in economics and management in private business schools. Subsequently she taught at EDHEC Business School and continued her research work with EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre. In 2006, she was employed at the International University of Monaco as Professor of Macroeconomics and Finance. Her research work encompassed academic studies and conference presentations to develop the network of the Hedge Funds Research Institute (HFRI), and applied researches on investment strategies in Alpstar, a hedge fund in Geneva. She was responsible of research in Macroeconomics for HFRI and Alpstar, and was the head of external activities for HFRI. She continued to teach in executive programs in EDHEC and a national training centre for banking executives. Concomitantly, she continued working at the CEMAFI, University of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis (France) as an associate researcher. Recently, she organized conferences for HFRI and UNSA: on “Bridging Mathematics, Social Sciences and Finance” and the “8th MEEA International Conference”. Dr. Nathalie Hilmi is a member of several international associations in economics and finance and she actively participates in the reviewing and editing of specialized publications. In 2010, she joined the Centre Scientifique de Monaco as section head of environmental economics and collaborated with IAEA’s Environment Laboratories to initiate correlation studies between environmental sciences and economics to better evaluate the socioeconomic extent of impacts and costs of action versus inaction with regard to carbon emissions.