Mohammad Abbasi-Shavazi

Mohammad Abbasi-Shavazi

Professor, Department of Demography, University of Tehran

Areas of Interest:

  • Fertility Transition
  • Reproductive Health
  • Immigration
  • Population and Education


  • Ph.D., Demography Program, Australian National University, 1998
  • M.A., Demography, University of Tehran, Iran, 1991
  • B.A., Social Sciences, Esfahan University, Iran, 1987


  • Professor, Department of Demography, University of Tehran (UT), Tehran, Iran. 2010-present
  • Associate Professor, Department of Demography, University of Tehran (UT), Tehran, Iran. 2004-2010
  • Adjunct Fellow, Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute (ADSRI), Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia. 2008-2010

Latest of Publications:

  • Amiri Farahani, L. Abbasi-Shavazi, MJ, 2012, Trends of Caesarean Section in Iran over the last three decades and its Demographic Factors, Review Article, Journal of Fasa University of Medical Sciences, 2(3), 127-134.
  • Hugo, G., Abbasi-Shavazi, M. J., and Sadeghi, R. 2012, Refugee Movement and Development: Afghan Refugees in Iran, Migration and Development, 1 (2): 261– 279.
  • Abbasi-Shavazi, MJ., Sadeghi, R., Mahmoudian, H., and Jamshidiha, G., 2012 Marriage and Family Formation of the Second-generation Afghans in Iran: Insight from a qualitative survey, International Migration Review, 46 (4):828–860. DOI: 10.1111/imre.12002
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