Kawther Lihidheb

Kawther Lihidheb

Tunisian National Agency for Energy Conservation (ANME)

Mrs. Kawther Lihidheb has worked for 20 years at the Tunisian National Agency for Energy Conservation (ANME) in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency – designing, implementing, and monitoring energy efficiency programmes in buildings,household appliances and industrial sectors. She contributed to the strategic National Energy Efficiency Action plan in Tunisia and served as Team Leader for multiple EE and RE projects for bilateral and multilateral donors, including the World Bank, UNDP, EUD, UNIDO, GIZ, ADEME, IDAE, and others. Mrs. Lihidheb has conducted capacity buildings programmes on Energy Efficiency for energy auditors, energy service companies, engineers, architects, technicians and energy managers. She has also shared her experiences in the field of development and implementation of appropriate sustainable energy policies with several countries including Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Senegal, and Mali.

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