Jehan Baban
Founder and Head, Iraqi Environment & Health Society, UK
Dr. Jehan Baban, an Iraqi scientist and environmental expert, is the founder and head of the Iraqi Environment & Health Society UK. She graduated from Mosul University in Iraq with a BSc in Chemistry, and gained her PhD at University College London (UCL), where she worked as a research fellow for many years. Also, she has taught in many educational institutions in the UK. Dr. Baban is a chartered chemist, and a member of Britain’s Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI). She has published more than 60 scientific papers and articles. She founded the Iraqi Environment & Health Society UK in 2015, and an Iraqi/international conference was held in London to address the impact of pollution in Iraq. These conference papers were edited and produced in a book by Dr. Baban. Her writings cite the main contributors to Iraq’s environmental degradation as climate change, which in turn has led to drought and increasing desertification of the country. Other contributing factors include war and terrorism, population growth and new industries which impact negatively on Iraq’s environment.