Islem Khefacha
Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics Sciences and Management of Mahdia- University of Monastir
Islem Khefacha is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics Sciences and Management of Mahdia- University of Monastir, where he is Vice-Dean-Director of Studies since Decembre 2020, and had served as Head of the Quantitative Methods Departement from 2017 to 2020. He is member of the Laboratory Research for Economy, Management and Quantitative Finance, IHEC - University of Sousse, Tunisia. He earned his PhD in Quantitative Methods from the University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia, and his Master Research Degree from University of Paris Dauphine, France. Dr. Khefacha published a number of papers in several indexing journals and chapters in Books, and participated in a range of forums particularly on Business and Entrepreneurship. He also presented various academic as well as research-based papers at several International Conferences. Applied econometrics with a focus on time series and panel data are at the center of his researches.