İpek İlkkaracan
Professor of Economics, Faculty of Management, Istanbul Technical University
İpek İlkkaracan is professor of economics at Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Faculty of Management, and associate director of the ITU Women’s Studies Center. Her research areas include the macroeconomics of unemployment and wages, labor market inequalities, work-life balance policies, time use, the care economy, and sustainable growth. Her 2010 edited volume Work-Family Life Reconciliation Policies: Towards Gender Equality in the Labor Market, a cross-country comparative research study of seven OECD countries including Turkey, is the first-ever publication in Turkish on the issue of work-life balance.
Areas of Interest:
- Macroeconomics of unemployment and wages
- Labor market inequalities
- Work-life balance policies
- Care economy
- Ph.D. in Economics, Graduate Faculty, Economics Department, New School for Social Research, New York, NY. 2001.
- M.A. in Economics, Graduate Faculty, Economics Department, Graduated with Honors Degree, New School for Social Research, New York, NY. 1996.
- PA. B.A. in Political Science, Graduated with High Honors, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, 1989.
- Visiting Professor, University of Rome Sapienza, Rome, Italy. 2018–2020
- Full Professor, Faculty of Management, Istanbul Technical University (ITU), 2016–Present
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Management, Istanbul Technical University (ITU), 2009–2015
- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, Istanbul Technical University (ITU), 2004–2008
Latest Publications:
- “Economic and Political Gender Gaps and the Rise of Populism: Insights from a Turkish Perspective”, Journal of International Affairs, Vol.72, No.2, pp:191-208, Spring/Summer 2019.
- “Public Investment in Care Services in Turkey: Promoting Employment Growth and Gender Equality” (with K. Kim and T. Kaya), Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol.41, pp: 1210-1219.
- “Estimation of the Market Value of the Unpaid Work in Turkey and a Comparison to the EU Economies” (with U. Gündüz), Çalışma ve Toplum (Work and Society), Vol. 60 (1), 2019, pp: 479-508.
- “The Employment Generation Impact of Meeting SDG Targets in Early Childhood Care, Education, Health and Long-Term Care in 45 Countries” (with K. Kim), ILO Working Paper, Geneva: International Labor Organization, 2018. (https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/care-economy/care-for-fow/lang--en/index.htm)