Ines Ayadi
Professor of Health Economy, Sfax University
Dr. Inés Ayadi is an International Consultant in Health economics and Professor of Health Economy at Sfax University in Tunisia. Dr Inés Ayadi is Ph.D in Health Economics. During the COVID pandemic, she was at the Ministry of Social Affairs, as an advisor of the minster in charge of the health insurance reform between May and September 2020. Since July 2020, she has been an advisor to the Minister of Health and she is in charge of several files: COVID pandemic management , Strategy and implementation of COVID vaccination and Health Policy Reform. She served for one year (2014-2015) as an advisor to the Tunisian Minister of Health as responsible of health economics pole at the minister cabinet. She particularly worked on the national health accounts for 2012/2013/2014. She led and participated to several academic researchers in the area of Health Economy. The main areas of research are: The regulatory policy impact on Health financing system, the inequality of access to care, catastrophic health expenditures, universal health coverage, National health accounts and the pharmaceutical market (generic entry, reference pricing system). She worked for international donors agencies such as World Health Organization, World Bank and African Development Bank as a local and then international consultant. She worked on several global health economy issues in Tunisia, Africa and Middle-east region. The main areas studied are : Health Accounts production, Health coverage scheme, Health financing and countries health systems review. She is a member of the technical committee of social dialogue for the reform of health policies in Tunisia. She co-drafted the national health policy. At the national health conference on June 27, 2019 and the government adoption conference on April 7, 2021, she presented the national health policy.
- Ph.D in Health Economics, Paris Dauphine University & Faculty of Economics and Management Sfax Tunisia, France, 2010.
- Master Degree « Money, Finance and International Economy », Faculty of Economics and Management, Sfax, Tunisia, 2004.
- Bachelor in Business-finance, Faculty of Economics and Management, Sfax, Tunisia. 2002.
- April 2017- World Health Organization: preparation of time series for Tunisia and Morocco and updating Global Health Expenditure Database
- March 2017- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ): Technical assistance in health - Service Competitiveness Support Program (PACS). Development of INASanté business plan+
- December 2016- African Development Bank, Africa (54 countries). Peer Reviewr for CPIA country evaluation (54 countries): Health and nutrition services/ Prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.
- Ministry of Health, Tunisia, Minister of Health Advisor, 2014-2015
- Assistant Professor, Tunisia, since 2011, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Sfax [High Business School, University of Sfax]
- Assistant, 2006-2011, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Sfax [High Business School, University of Sfax]
Latest Publications:
- I, Ayadi. Et S, Zouari «Out-of-Pocket Health Spending and Equity Implications in Tunisia», MEDJ June 2017 issue http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17938120.2017.1293362
- S, Zouari and I, Ayadi. « Modalités de couverture du risque maladie par la caisse nationale d’assurance maladie en Tunisie: pertinence et impact ». Communication au 59ème Congrès de L’Association Internationale Des Économistes De Langue Française. 2015
- Group Study « Assistance technique sur l’assistance médicale gratuite ». Banque Mondiale, http://documents.banquemondiale.org/curated/fr/687831472236995453/pdf/106474-FRENCH-WP-P152974-OUO-9.pdf
- Group Study. « Quels chemins vers la Couverture Sanitaire Universelle ? ». Tunisian Ministry of Health. http://www.santetunisie.rns.tn/fr/images/cnslivre2.pdf. 2014
- Group Study. « Santé en Tunisie-Etats des lieux ». Tunisian Ministry of Health. http://www.hiwarsaha.tn/upload/1409236122.pdf. 2014.
Investigating Generic and Brand Name Pharmaceutical’s Market Shares and Prices in Tunisia
Education: Ph.D in Health Economics, Paris Dauphine University & Faculty of Economics and Management Sfax Tunisia, France, 2010.... Read More
July, 2009
Working PapersNational Dialogue on the Social Protection System in Tunisia
Education: Ph.D in Health Economics, Paris Dauphine University & Faculty of Economics and Management Sfax Tunisia, France, 2010.... Read More
Oct 31, 2022