Houda Ben Hamouda
Stanford University
Houda Ben Hamouda is a teacher at Stanford University Program in Paris and member of the ERC TARICA. She is also associate researcher at Labexmed "Configuration and Renewal of the Maghreb Economic Elites in the" Arab Spring "and the Multidisciplinary Thematic Network (RTP)" Islam and researchers in the city "(IISMM, CNRS). Her research focuses on international relations, particularly European governance, European policies (economic, migration and foreign relations), the sociology of economic elites, Maghreb diplomacy, and she has been interested in Euro-Maghreb relations from 1956 to the 1990s.. She is co-author with Mathieu Bouchard, of the book: The Construction of a Euro-Mediterranean Space Genesis, Myths and Perspectives, Volume 61, April 2012. She is also co-author with Nicolas Badalassi of the issue of Cahiers Sirice,
The Political Economy of Business Elites in Tunisia: Actors, Strategies and Identities
Houda Ben Hamouda is a teacher at Stanford University Program in Paris and member of the ERC TARICA.... Read More
December, 2018
Working Papers