Belaid Rettab

Belaid Rettab

Chief Economist & Senior Director Dubai Chamber, and Visiting Prof. of Economics University of Dubai

Prof. Belaid Rettab served for many years as International Consultant to the European Union, UN, the World Bank and several national governments which he assisted in the development and implementation of several economic development and reform programs pertinent to Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa. He published over 35 academic peer reviewed papers in prominent Academic Journals, and over 600 economic research papers directly relevant to businesses and policy makers in the fields of economics, banking & finance, trade, international management, entrepreneurship, public administration and business ethics. He graduated from the Economic Faculty of Erasmus University Rotterdam (FEW-EUR), where he defended successfully his Doctorate of Economics (PhD) thesis partially funded by the Netherlands Scientific Research Organization's (N.W.O) in 1995.

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