Aziz Ben Ghachem
Social Protection Specialist, Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice, World Bank, Tunisia
Aziz is senior social protection specialist in the Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice in the World Bank Tunisia country office. He is currently handling operations to support the national AMEN Program, Emergency cash transfers to mitigate impacts of COVID-19 on the poorest and vulnerable households, Children Allowance for 0-5 years old of the poorest HHs, and the policy dialogue related to Social Protection reform including the role of Human Capital. Since joining the World Bank in 2017, he has been involved in policy issues and operations related to Social Protection and Governance, including digital transformations to enhance delivery systems, digital identifications, interoperability, and social registry. He co-authored the 2019 diagnostic report on identification systems in Tunisia as part of the ID4D initiative. Prior to joining the Bank, Aziz worked for more than 10 years in the design and implementation of complex projects in the public and private sector in different countries.