Ahmed Hashim Alyushaa

Ahmed Hashim Alyushaa

General Director of Research, Coordination and Follow-up, Royal Court in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Dr. Ahmed Hashim Alyushaa is the General Director of Research, Coordination and Follow-up at the Royal Court in the Kingdom of Bahrain. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Hull, UK, an MSc in Economics from Glasgow University, UK and a BSc in Economics from Michigan State University, USA. Previously, Dr Alyushaa worked for 15 years (1985-1999) as a researcher in Bahrain Center for Studies and Research, where he published research in the field of monetary policy, labor markets and foreign trade. Dr. Alyushaa’s recent research interests focused on: • The GCC monetary union and the exchange rate policies. • Immigration and GCC labour markets and their impacts on the skill and wage structures. • The role of the state in GCC economies, and • The political economy of Bahrain. He was the president of the Bahrain Economic Society and a founder and former president of Gulf Economic Association.

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