Abdeljalil Bedoui
Specialist in Development Economics
Abdeljalil Bedoui is a specialist in development economics. He completed his secondary studies in Monastir and his university studies in Grenoble (France) where he obtained the diploma of specialized studies in Economics in 1974, then the diploma of specialized Studies in Political Sciences in 1975. He was assistant to the Institute of Political Studies (IEP) in Grenoble in 1976 then assistant at the Faculty of Economics and Management of Tunis. In 2003, he defended a State Doctorate thesis in Development Economics at the FSEGT before obtaining the rank of lecturer in 2004. A. Bedoui is a founding member of the Association of Tunisian Economists and the Association of Maghreb Economists and a member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Social and Economic Research in Dakar (Senegal). He is an expert for the Tunisian General Labor Union (UGTT), the International Labor Office (ILO), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Agriculture (FAO) as well as the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). The many studies and reflections he has carried out, his observations, his experiences, have enabled him to acquire a coherent vision of policies for human economic development, that is to say global, sustainable and equitable development. Abdeljalil BEDOUI is a resolute activist for the defense of human and citizen's rights and for the promotion of democracy: A. Bedoui is an active member of the Tunisian League for the Defense of Human Rights (LTDH). Founding member of the Forum for Economic and Social Rights; the National Council for Freedoms in Tunisia (CNLT); the Gafsa 2008 Mining Basin Family Support Committee and the Truth and Justice Association for Farhat Hached. A. Bedoui refused to hold positions of high responsibility under the Ben Ali dictatorship. Appointed on January 17, 2011, Minister to the Prime Minister in the first government formed after the flight of Ben Ali, he resigned the next day to protest against the retention of ministers who served the fallen dictatorial regime.