Abdelhadi Benghalem
Assistant Professor, Oran Graduate School of Economic, Algeria
Dr. Abdelhadi Benghalem holds a Ph.D. in Economic Engineering and Enterprise from the Faculty of Economics and Management at the University of Abou Bekr Belkaïd Tlemcen. Currently, he serves as an assistant professor at the Oran Graduate School of Economics in Algeria. He is also a research associate with the Economic Research Forum (ERF) and an expert with the European Foundation of Training on a project focusing on digitalization and the labor market in the MENA region. In addition, Benghalem is a reviewer for several indexed journals and specializes in data science, econometrics, macro and microeconomic theories and applications.
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Applied economics (time-series, Panel Data)
- Economic development in the MENA region
- Business environment
- Food security
- PhD in Engineering Economic and Enterprise. University of Tlemcen, 2020
- Master in Entrepreneurship and Business Creation (major of promo). University of Tlemcen, 2017
- License in Commercial Sciences, specialty "Finance": University Abu Bakr Belkaid–Tlemcen, 2012
- Lecturer, Tlemcen university, Present
- Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region: An Empirical investigation. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development. https://wasdlibrary.org/publications/journals/wjemsd/v18-n5-2022/?tax%5Bwpdmcategory%5D=wjemsd-v18-n5-2022 .Abstracted and indexed by: #Scopus #Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index #INSPEC ReadCube Discover #ABI/Inform (ProQuest) #Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities #British Library #Crossref. #Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) #Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD).
- Feedback effects of entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development: empirical evidence from selected MENA countries Proceedings of The World Conference on Management and Economics: Frankfurt, Germany ISBN: 978-609-485-041-7 pub Date: 24th October 2019 Diamond Scientific Publication Category: Management and Economics.
- The Relationship between Oil Price fluctuations and Economic growth in Algeria: Using the ARDL Model during the Period (1980-2015). المجلة الجزائرية للمالية العامة ISSN 1881-2170 Site https: //www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/article/105 278. 2019
Internet and Food Production: Panel Data Evidence from North African Countries
Areas of Interest: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Applied economics (time-series, Panel Data) Economic development in the MENA region Business... Read More
December, 2023
Working PapersInternet and Food Production: Panel Data Evidence from North African Countries
Areas of Interest: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Applied economics (time-series, Panel Data) Economic development in the MENA region Business... Read More
May, 2023
Conference PaperERF 29th Annual Conference – Parallel Sessions
Areas of Interest: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Applied economics (time-series, Panel Data) Economic development in the MENA region Business... Read More
May 04, 2023