Role of firms and export performance in Syria – ERF Award Winner

The fourth and final plenary session at the Economic Research Forum's Annual Conference on Corruption and Economic Development was dedicated to granting awards to distinguished papers presented for the Conference. Abstracts and papers presented went through a highly selective screening process where a number of factors were weighed, such as topic, scope, methodology, and rigour. The paper Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due - The Firm Determinants of Recent Export Performances in Syria resulted amongst the winners. The paper has an international economics emphasis and it focuses on the role of firms in export trends in Syria. In the videos below, we caught up co-authors Rabie Nasser and Marc Schiffbauer. Nasser introduces the main findings of the paper as they relate to the current political crisis in Syria. [youtube=] Schiffbauer highlights how the move away from oil into a wide range of industries and average products, such as refrigerators, and cites is a positive development. The country has managed to tap into different markets by establishing trade relationships with many of its counterparts in different parts of the world. [youtube=]
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