Ziya Onis
Professor of International Relations, Koç University, Istanbul
Awards: Ziya Öniş and Mustafa Kutlay received the Elizabeth Meehan Prize for the best Article published in " Government and Opposition" in 2019. Ziya Öniş received the TÜBİTAK Science Prize for Social Sciences in 2012 and was elected as a Fellow of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) in 2012
Areas of Interest:
- Comparative Politics
- International Political Economy
- Political Economy of Development
- Political Economy of Contemporary Turkey
- European Union
- Ph.D., Development Economics, University of Manchester, UK, 1984
- M.Sc. Economics, London School of Economics, UK, 1979
- Chairperson, Department of International Relations, Koç University, Istanbul
- Professor of International Relations, Koç University, Istanbul
- Director of the Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Koç University, Istanbul
- Professor of International Relations, Koç University, Istanbul, Sep.1999-present
- Coordinator of the Department of International Relations, Koç University, Istanbul, 1999-Feb.2005
Latest Publications:
- (with M. Kutlay) “The Anatomy of Turkey’s New “Heterodox” Crisis: The Interplay of Domestic Politics and Global Dynamics. Turkish Studies. Internet First Version (2020).
- (with M. Kutlay) “The New Age of Hybridity and Clash of Norms: China, BRICS and Challenges of Global Governance in a Post-Liberal International Order”. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, Vol. 45, No. 3 (2020). Internet First version published in May 2020.
- (with M. Kutlay) “On the Global Political Economy of Right-Wing Populism: Deconstructing the Paradox”. The International Spectator, Vol. 55, No.2 (2020). Internet First version published in March 2020. Turkish Version: “Sağ Popülizmin Ekonomi Politiği Üzerine”. İktisat ve Toplum. No. 115 (2020).
- (with M. Kutlay) “Reverse Transformation? Global Shifts, the Core-Periphery Divide and the Future of the EU”. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. Vol. 28, No. 2 (2020).