Nicholas Ngepah

Nicholas Ngepah

Professor of Economics, University of Johannesburg

Professor Nicholas Ngepah holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Cape Town, with over eighteen years of research, policy and management experience. He is a Professor of Economics at the University of Johannesburg with expertise in quantitative research techniques, economic development, policy impact assessments, with wide range of modern econometric techniques. His experience is on development issues, focusing on poverty, inequality, labour market dynamics and inclusive economic growth with related policies like agriculture, health issues, gender, climate change, trade, industrialisation etc. Professor Ngepah has undertaken studies for organisations like the World Bank, The African Union, UK Overseas Development institute, African Economic Research Consortium, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Oxfam and the South African Government. His most recent works include: re-examining the growth, poverty and inequality relationships in south Africa in the context of covid-19; and climate change and gender inequality in the labour market. His work on the SDGs in Africa formed part of the bases of the policies debated in the context of the first 1000 days of the SDGs implementation under Development Progress. He has undertaken various projects involving large multi-country surveys and data analyses in Southern Africa. In his role as Professor of Economics, he lectures microeconomics and micro econometrics-related subjects and supervises PhDs and Masters Research students on various economic development-relevant topics. He has published widely and in high impact journals. He is the Founder of the African Institute for Inclusive Growth, a research and policy think tank focusing on inclusive development.

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