Zeynep Sahin Mencutek
Senior Researcher, Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies, Germany
Zeynep received her PhD in Politics and International Relations from the University of Southern California in 2011. Previously, she served as an assistant professor in Turkey and achieved the rank of Docent in the field of International Relations in 2018. She held a fellowship at the Centre for Global Cooperation Research in Duisburg from March 2019 to February 2020 to conduct research on polycentric governance, emerging transnationalism and grassroots community organisations of Syrian refugees. She served as Senior Research Fellow (2017–2020) for the Horizon2020 project titled RESPOND: Multilevel Governance of Mass Migration in Europe and Beyond . She prepared co-authored research reports on the legal and institutional framework of refugee governance, border controls, and international protection in Turkey as well as comparative reports of asylum regimes and integration. She is a visiting fellow at the Institute for Peace and Development, University of Duisburg-Essen and is part of the Humboldt Research Fellowship Program for Experienced Researchers in the framework of which she is conducting a comparative research on the governance of refugee returns. Her research focuses on the governance of migration, foreign policy-migration nexus, migration narratives, comparative policies and politics in the Global South, and diaspora politics.