Fakher Zaibi

Fakher Zaibi

General Manager of the National Observatory of Employment and Skills

Fakher ZAIBI is currently the Director General of the National Observatory of Employment and Qualifications under the Tunisian Ministry of Vocational Training and Employment. He has a rich experience of 24 years in the field of vocational training and employment particularly in : (i) the design and implementation of employment and training observatories, (ii) the evaluation of the vocational education and training system, (iii) the elaboration of employment and vocational training strategies and related operation plans, (iv) the identification, (iv) identification, formulation, planning and evaluation of projects and programs in the field of employment and training, (v) design and evaluation of employment policies and programs, (vi) development of systems for monitoring, forecasting and identifying skill needs. He also has extensive experience as a trainer with national and international institutions and organizations such as the International Training Center of Turin under the ILO, in the following areas: (i) impact evaluation of employment programs; (ii) labour market and training indicators, (ii) evaluation of the external effectiveness of vocational training and higher education schemes.

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