Stakeholder Consultation and Brainstorming Workshop on Social Protection in Tunisia
FromJan 20, 2021 To Jan 20, 2021
Online Webinar
The decisions taken by governments to curb the COVID-19 pandemic have led countries to strengthen their social protection systems and extend the coverage of their social programs to previously uncovered categories operating within the informal economy.
Tunisia’s social protection system is considered one of the most comprehensive in the MENA region with respect to the current levels of legal and effective coverage in addition to the wide geographic coverage of non-contributory programs. However, the COVID-19 pandemic helped expose the current limits of the social protection system in Tunisia. This led the government to deploy urgent measures aimed at addressing the socio-economic impacts of mitigation measures on the poor and vulnerable as well as informal workers.
Questions remain unanswered about the performance and the quality of targeting of non-contributory programs, especially cash transfers and access to healthcare for the most vulnerable populations.
Workshop Objectives
- Discuss and reflect on the social protection system in Tunisia, the scope and the extent of social coverage in Tunisia, particularly for vulnerable populations;
- Discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges for the social protection system in Tunisia;
- Discuss the health insurance system and the inequalities in access to health care;
- Agree on the priorities to be addressed for potential reforms.
Download Full Agenda, in English, in Arabic, in French
January 20, 2021
From 5:00 pm To 7:00 pm

Research Fellows
Ragui Assaad
Professor and Freeman Chair for International Economic...

Asma Ben Hassen
Founder and President, Tunisia Inclusive Labor Institute...

Research Associates
Nidhal Ben Cheikh
Independent Consultant & University of Paris