Working Papers

Le Partenariat Euro-Méditerranéen




Economic Research Forum (ERF)


October, 1995


F. International Economics

Abstract The Mediterranean has become a stage that reflects the complexities of the new world order and entails a series of key variables for the future of Europe. The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Project, launched on 19 October 1994, was based on Europe's 'security' interests. Indeed, Europe is keen on forging growth in order to rein in unemployment and mitigate migratory pressures. Also important are the economic interests of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. From Europe's perspective, the Southern Mediterranean region boasts a market of 200 million potential consumers, lavish oil, gas and phosphate resources, as well as human resources which need only be mobilized in a project towards the future. From the perspective of the Mediterranean developing countries, the creation of a free-trade zone may contribute to economic growth through increased competitiveness as a result of limiting customs and opening markets to foreign competition; attracting foreign capital; upgrading the workforce; developing export sectors; and promoting technological research. The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership is a promise but also a bet on the future. It will thus be necessary to propose concrete actions and bring the concept out of official circles by assigning a role to civil society. Arabic Abstract:
أصبح حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط مسرحاً يعكس تعقيدات النظام العالمى الجديد ويستتبع سلسلة من العوامل الحاسمة بالنسبة لمستقبل أوروبا. وقد قام مشروع المشاركة بين أوروبا وحوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط، والذى بدأ فى 19 اكتوبر 1994، مستنداً إلى مصالح أوروبا الأمنية.