Articles in this issue:
- Natural resources, incentives and human capital: reinterpreting the curse, Salim M. Araji & Hamid Mohtadi
- Debunking myth: economic values in the Arab World through the prism of opinion polls, Ishac Diwan, Zafiris Tzannatos & Tarik Akin
- Popular grievances in the Arab region: evaluating explanations for discontent in the lead-up to the uprisings, Melani Cammett & Nisreen Salti
- The economic response of rural areas to local supply shock: evidence from the Occupied West Bank, Belal Fallah
- Ever married women’s participation in labor market in Egypt: constraints and opportunities, Hanan Nazier & Racha Ramadan
- Regional efficiency of healthcare services in Saudi Arabia, Wael Mousa & Jehad S. Aldehayyat