Effective planning relies on high-quality research. The Population Council seeks to build the evidence base for better policies and programs with the view of generating research that makes a difference. Young people have been a primary focus for the Council for decades, directing research to determine their conditions and contexts, and providing evidence for decision-makers. In 1998, the Population Council published Transitions to Adulthood, a comprehensive profile of youth based on the Council’s 1997 Adolescence and Social Change in Egypt (ASCE) survey. The results of ASCE have been an important resource for programming for adolescents in Egypt.
Responding to the dearth of data on youth in Egypt, the Population Council conducted a comprehensive situation analysis of Egyptian adolescents and young people: The Survey of Young People in Egypt (SYPE), which covers a nationally representative sample of 15,029 young people aged 10-29.
The SYPE collected data on the five key life transitions of education, work, family formation; health, and civic and political participation. SYPE follows up to an earlier survey conducted by the Population Council in 1997, The Adolescence and Social Change in Egypt (ASCE) survey. With focus on young people aged 10 to 19, analysis of ASCE identified tobacco use, female circumcision, anemia, growth stunting and delayed sexual maturation, poor management of menstruation, and underutilization of health insurance as six priority issues for youth in Egypt. SYPE updates the results provided by the earlier survey and expands their scope.
Five years later, and after the January 25 revolution in 2011, it was vital to question how Egypt’s youth are faring in a significantly more unfavorable economic climate, and whether they are able to access the professional opportunities needed to work toward economic independence and complete key life transitions such as getting married and starting a family. At the same time, to study if the transitional period has opened up new opportunities to youth in other areas of life, most notably deeper engagement with media, politics, and civic life.
Therefore, the Population Council designed the second wave of SYPE in 2014, which re-interviewed the same sample of young people who were interviewed in 2009. This yields a panel data set that spans the periods before and after the January 25, 2011 revolution, and that is nationally representative for both time periods.
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