ERF Competition for Policy Briefs

ERF is pleased to invite submissions of original Policy Briefs drawing on substantiated research findings on policy issues relevant to the ERF region. Deadline for Submission: May 31, 2016.   In order for academic research to inform development policy and improve people’s lives, it needs to be translated into an accessible language for the general public, including but not limited to, policymakers, legislatures, the business community and media. Policy Briefs are used to synthesize existing research knowledge on a policy or practical issue of importance and to inform the public about it. In contribution to this objective, ERF is pleased to invite submissions of original Policy Briefs drawing on substantiated research findings on policy issues relevant to the ERF region.   This competition is open to ERF and non-ERF affiliates. ERF offers an honorarium of $1000 per accepted brief.  

Guidelines for Submission

  • A Policy Brief is a short note of 4-5 pages at a maximum - approximately 2000-2500 words.
  • It addresses a specific economic policy question, either pertaining to a specific country or to a group of countries in the region.
  • It goes beyond a diagnosis or analysis of a particular issue or problem to making concrete and specific policy measures/choices which are based on serious and sound available research.
  • It uses a simple and non-technical language, with an uncomplicated and catchy title.
  • It includes a short entry summarizing in bullet points the key points made in the brief (overview of the problem and recommendations).
  • Finally, it does not include any footnotes, although it may include a small number of the most important references (a maximum of five) at the end.
  • Authors of policy briefs are requested to submit a short “About the author” entry of around 30-50 words.

Criteria For Application and Selection Process

  • Submissions must be accompanied by author(s)’ CV(s)
  • Authors should indicate which (own or other) research paper(s) constitute the basis of the policy brief. In case papers are unpublished, the manuscript should be submitted with Policy Brief.
  • The author, or at least one of the co-authors must be from the ERF region.
  • Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their contribution to knowledge, rigor and policy relevance by a committee of experts/policymakers.
ERF reserves the right to exclude briefs which are not consistent with the above guidelines and selection criteria.  


The deadline for submission is May 31, 2016.  

Please forward your submission to:

Ms. Sara Taraman -
Initiatives & Partnerships

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ERF Policy Brief