The political economy of transformation in the Arab region

ERF’s workshop and policy seminar on “The political economy of transformation in the ERF region” kicked off in Tunis yesterday, October 27th. The workshop aims at discussing a number of draft papers, submitted in response to a call launched by ERF under the theme of the workshop, among authors and experts in order to improve its final output. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Panel session 1 - Political economy of transformation in the ERF region Panel session 1 - Political economy of transformation in the ERF region[/caption]

The ERF call for papers comes amid speculations regarding the direction the transformation process in the Arab spring countries is heading to and its final destination. Although the workshop refers in its title to ‘ERF region’, the majority of papers to be presented throughout the busy two days of October have to do more or less with Arab spring countries, with a special focus on Egypt. This morning session shedded new lights on the determinants of democracy in the Arab countries.

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