Working Papers

Multiple Trade Shocks and Partial Liberalization: Dutch Disease and the Egyptian Economy




Economic Research Forum (ERF)


February, 1995


F. International Economics

Abstract The multiple external shocks experienced by the Egyptian economy are analyzed using a series of conterfactuals for income, consumption, savings, investment, wages and prices. The public sector's use of the windfall (equivalent to $53 billion in net present value terms) was misguided, with little public savings and a variety of policies that forced adjustment into parallel markets. Meanwhile, the private sector consumed and invested as well as exploited opportunities for rent-seeking that were created by the government's control regime. However, the private sector also accumulated assets abroad which served to shift the boom intertemporally and which could provide a source of investment financing in the future. Arabic Abstract:
يحلل هذا التقرير الصدمات الخارجية العديدة التى تعرض لها الاقتصاد المصرى، وذلك باستخدام سلسلة من الافتراضات المخالفة للواقع بالنسبة للدخل والاستهلاك والادخار والاستثمار والأجور والاسعار. وقد أساء القطاع العام توجيه استخدام المكاسب غير المتوقعة (التى تعاد
Multiple Trade Shocks and Partial Liberalization: Dutch Disease and the Egyptian Economy

Research Fellows

Nemat Shafik

Director of the London School of Economics...