Training Course on the Analysis of the Egyptian Economic Census Survey 2012/2013

FromOct 17, 2015 To Oct 19, 2015

Cairo, Egypt

ERF in coordination with CAPMAS held a training workshop on the Analysis of the Egyptian Economic Census Survey 2012/2013. The training course presents a schematized set of lectures for quantitative and statistical analysis of economic censuses with particular emphasis on Egypt’s recent Economic Census Survey 2012/2013 (ECS 2012/13). Besides the lectures, an important component of the training course involved practical pragmatic applications using a sub-sample of the ECS 2012/13 (ECSS2012/2013), which includes detailed disaggregate information on three production sectors as well as on governorate and economy-wide statistical indicators and survey design variables.

Applied exercises—using statistical software—employing ECSS 2012/2013 are designed to strengthen the trainees’ analytical and computational skills by offering hands-on experience that should be helpful in production of reliable statistics and indicators for private and public agents to inform and aid their decision making process. The lectures and applications were presented in Arabic, though English may be used especially in the applied sessions.